Hemmerling’s Hall of Fame

Posted by on Jul 9, 2013 in All, David Hemmerling, New Direction | No Comments

Within thirty (30) days of graduation day, a professionally printed 8 1/2″ X ll” individual four page flier, picturing well and describing in detail the achievements of a particular “Hall of Famer”, will be mailed to every corporate and labor executive, every benefactor, every sponsors, and every interested individual, associated with The New Direction, Inc., and its programs. This could be a very significant item in dealing with career promotability. – David Hemmerling

View the New Direction Hall of Fame Promotional Packet (for Students) (PDF)


Dear NDI Student:

A significant number of New Direction students, during the organization’s history, have made heroic efforts in pursuit of their personal development. Their efforts in every regard exceeded New Direction stated requirements and standards. On occasion, NDI has been asked by a student, ” ….. are there any objections to my pushing myself to my absolute peak in every area of personal development?” Of course there aren‘t! NDI always prefers it.

Without a doubt, the program lends itself well to “olympian” levels of training. An “olympic” level of development in a person is always admired and respected by all of those who observe it. In four years of “olympic” level training, and NDI’er could definitely achieve some olympian results, providing that he is constant and reasonably consistent.

NDI decided on establishing the “Graduation Day Hall of Fame” to permanently honor those very special students who complete the NDI program, and who made some “olympian efforts” and who achieved for themselves some truly “olympian results” during their participation. Striving for the “Graduation Day Hall of Fame” is not a requirement, but it is a definite opportunity.

Those admitted to the “Hall of Fame” will:

A). Have a professionally done colored portrait permanently hanging in the NDI student center, engraved with the Hall of Fame title, their names, and date of graduation.
B). Be the only recipients of the NDI “gold” signet ring, NDI’s symbol of truly “olympian achievements” — conferred on graduation day. Lesser achievement can be awarded the silver and bronze rings.
C). Be participants in special graduation time and day honors ceremonies.
D). Participate in an after-graduation day “exceptional vacation trip” singularly for the Hall of Famers.
E). Be heralded as models for all future program participants to admire and to imitate.
F). Possibly be the recipients of other awards of significance.

The acknowledgement of such achievement will very definitely be significant!

A program participant has but one opportunity to become involved in the Hall of Fame pursuit. An invitarion to the quest is offered but once. The invitation is dated and must be signed and returned to The New Direction, Inc., within fourteen days of the date. It takes effect on the first day of program participation after that date, and remains in effect until a student either resigns from the quest or graduates. The quest must be pursued in appropriate stages during every day of program participation until graduation day on an undergraduate or graduate level.

The following standards must have been met in order to achieve induction into the Hall of Fame.

l. The olympian must have achieved a grade point average  in all academic pursuits equal to the definite peak of his ability. This demands constant and consistent exceptional performance on his part, and study efforts beyond those required.

2. It must not be learned, known or evident that the olympian ever — (even once) from the first day of participation after signing the invitation until graduation day, disregarded a single opportunity to exercise or exert postive leadership, on any given occasion. These are leaders and officers in the making.

3. The olympian must have always been a precise model of the most excellent aspects of the virtue of loyalty to his friends, family, fraternity brothers, the program, and its staff.

4. The olympian must have been a model program participant from the first day signing of the invitation to graduation day, one that staff could hail as an excellent example to younger members.

5. The olympian must have energetically and enthusiastically fulfilled the “student service” requirement throughout his participation in the program.

6. The olympian must have achieved physical fitness in strength and definition “at_least equal” to the attached example — or more. The olympian must have achieved a minimum level of body fat. The olympian must be capable of truly challenging cardio-vascular exercise (jogging or an equal alternative). The greater the achievement, the more significant will be the acknowledgement.

7. The olympian must have been a model of fraternity spirit during every year of program participation, from the first day of program participation after the signing of the invitation to graduation day.

8. The olympian must have been an excellent spokesman, in word and deed and achievement for the NDI organization.

9. The olympian must have been a model of achievement regarding all of his program responsibilities — from academics and physical fitness to cooking and housecleaning, beginning with the first day of program participation after the signing of the invitation to graduation day.

10. The olympian must have earned a college or university degree.

New Direction staff personnel will monitor students who are definitely participating in the quest, to insure that the standards for induction are being met.

Within thirty (30) days of graduation day, a professionally printed 8 1/2″ X ll” individual four page flier, picturing well and describing in detail the achievements of a particular “Hall of Famer”, will be mailed to every corporate and labor executive, every benefactor, every sponsors, and every interested individual, associated with The New Direction, Inc., and its programs. This could be a very significant item in dealing with career promotability.

Maintenance of the value and significance of induction into the NDI “Hall of Fame”-absolutely prohibits any compromise whatsoever on its requirements and standards.
It is important to understand that this is not a program requirement.

The standards for induction into the Hall of Fame do not_<emand perfection, but they do require exceptional excellence. The requirements can be achieved by any interested student.

Again, the invitation is offered but once.

The New Direction, Inc.

View the New Direction Hall of Fame Promotional Packet (for Students)